These are some pictures of people I do not know. If anyone knows or can lead me in the right direction to find out please contact me.
This picture has the name Laughlin written on it and there is an name on the bottom of the picture "The Big Moose." I am not sure who this is. There is also "3rd U.S. Div. 18th F.A." written on the back. There are faded letters that might look like Halher on the back. (Leroy maybe?)
Confirmed.. Alvin Leroy Laughlin
These three ladies are standing here and I have no idea about any of them.
L to R - (Ida Mae Laughlin sister?, ???, ???)
Here is a couple posing in front of their car.
Nellie & Harlan White.
Esther Rose (Laughlin) Ebbing's friend from across the street?
Junita (Laughlin) Yordy, Nellie White
Patricia at first communion? (Confirmed..)
A few couples, I know not who! The license number is 181-HM Ohio 1935
Unknown male and female playing tennis.
These family? pictures in front of the car.
Cora Herron, Nellie White, Ida Mae Laughlin
Males - L to R - ??? Herron, Roland White, Alvin Leroy Laughlin, Julius Frank Clarence Ebbing
Females - L to R - Cora Herron, ???, Nellie White, Junita (Laughlin) Yordy, Ida Mae Laughlin, Esther Rose Laughlin,
Someone in a wagon. Double exposure? or ghostly face in the upper right corner?
(Thomas Lee Ebbing in a wagon?)
Someone into jumping cars at the local county fair?
Julius Frank Clarence going thru a wall of fire.
Golf Buddies?
Roland Davis, Harlan White, Alvin Leroy Laughlin, ??? Herron
(Kenny and Thomas Ebbing??)